Welcome to your Student Resource Area.
To log into your online training click here then enter your username and password. If you have problems please contact the office on 0121 476 4731
To log into your maths and English training click here then enter your username and password. If you have any problems please call the office on 0121 476 473 or email mark@fctrain.co.uk
FaCT is also working in partnership with ETF to provide you with some additional training covering British Values, Radicalisation, Staying Safe online and Who can you trust, click here to register and complete the training to gain a certificate.
We will also be adding additional resources here over the coming weeks, so log on and see what we have for you.
Level 2 Diploma portfolio template attached Candidate portfolio – level 2
Off the job skills learning and development form Off the job learning record(please ensure you complete this form every time you learn something new at work or attend additional training)