Customer Complaints Procedure
Fencing and Construction Training Ltd places a significant emphasis on customer feedback and views the complaints process as a valuable tool to drive improvements in the quality of its services. The policy of Fencing and Construction Training Ltd is to respond to all suggestions, whether positive or negative, in a prompt and courteous manner. All complaints will be treated seriously. A problem raised can be informal (issue) or formal (complaint).
What is an issue?
An issue (or informal complaint) is a matter which a customer wants to raise with a member of FaCT’s staff without using the formal complaint process. Issues are usually quick to resolve and unlikely to require an in-depth investigation.
What is a complaint?
FaCT defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about:
- The standards of service received from a teaching or support department
- Action or lack of action by FaCT or its staff
Dealing with issues (informal complaints)
In the first instance issues should be raised with the person who has day-to-day responsibility for the area in which the matter occurs. The person receiving the issue should make notes on its nature; keep the contact details of the person making the issue and how it was dealt with. The staff member should file these notes safely and confidentially.
If the complainant remains dissatisfied following the response, they should make the complaint formal and adhere to the following process.
Formal complaints
All formal complaints should be put in writing to:
Timothy Drew
Managing Director
Fencing and Construction Training Ltd
85, Bunbury Road
B31 2ET
Any complaints directed to other Fencing and Construction Training Ltd managers will be referred to the Managing Director in the first instance.
- All formal complaints will be acknowledged by the Managing Director within two working days of receipt.
- The complaint will be investigated by the appropriate manager and a response to the complainant will be made within ten working days.
- Upheld complaints must be followed up to check complainant is happy with resolution.
- Appeals
If the complainant is unhappy with the outcome of the complaint, a review of the matter may be undertaken by the Managing Director.
In order for a complaint to be investigated satisfactorily, FaCT may require sharing of information with relevant staff and third parties (for example managers or the Skills Funding Agency). Fencing and Construction Training Ltd is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and operates within the eight principles of Data Protection.
Timothy Drew
Managing Director
Fencing and Construction Training Ltd.