Vehicle Restraint Systems Training
Who’s the Course For?
The VRS training is for all existing or potential Vehicle Restraint Systems labourers, installers and supervisors.
These courses meet the National Highways Sector Scheme 10B requirements and ensure compliance to hold the VRS FISS/CSCS skills card. (in addition to the Level 2 Diploma, health & safety training and testing)
Course Duration
There are a range of different courses lasting between 1 and 5 days depending on which type of course.
The course is delivered at FaCT’s VRS Training Centre, in Redditch, just off Junction 2 of the M42, in the Midlands. Map.
Candidates who successfully complete the course(s) and pass the assessment will gain a National Highways Sector Scheme 10B certificates, which is valid for 5-years.
What courses are there?
The course are related to the level of experience you are at and also for different types of VRS systems
* 1-day Foundation course – for new entrants
* 1-day Installers course – for installer and those wanting to be installers (or lead installers)
* 1-day Installer refresher course – the installer course needs refreshing every 5-years
* 3-day Non-proprietary course (NPSBS)– for installers who install these products, including TCB, UCB, DROBB, OBB, RHS.
* 1-day NPSBS refresher course – needs to be refreshed every 5-years
* 1 – 2 days Product-specific courses (Hill & Smith, Brifen Wire rope, Pass & Co, etc)
* Parapet Courses for Varley and Gulliver systems
Typical Course content
Read & understand the Highway Agency general arrangement & component drawings
Read and understand proprietary general arrangement & component drawings
Understand the principles of safety fences
Recognise types of fences
Carry out all operations in a safe and efficient manner
Recognise components & obvious defects
Set out for post and beam erection
Place posts in concrete foundations
Fix surface mounted posts
Fix full-height anchors
Fix beams
Tension safety fence
End test

Many more dates available, call the office on 0121 476 4731 or email